Opportunities: Work and Volunteer

Are you looking for volunteer or paid work in the community? Check the links below for recommended places to start your search.


  1. Langley Volunteer Bureau: Register to become a volunteer in Langley.
  2. Better Community: Volunteer search board for all Langley Volunteer Bureau current openings.


Recommended Employment links:

  1. MyBlueprint.com: Log in with your School District credentials to access job searches in your area. Partnership with 9 job search engines including Indeed.com, Workopolis, and a guide to help with your job search.
  2. ChatterHigh.com: Not sure what job to choose? Search job area in relation to your interests, values and  skills.

Other general employment searches:

  1. Youth Job Bank: Government of Canada Youth Website for Employment. Search by region.
  2. WorkBC: Search for part-time, full-time, or seasonal work in your area.
  3. Willowbrook Mall: Search for current job postings at Willowbrook Mall.
  4. Indeed.com: Search engine for current job postings in your area.
  5. Workopolis.com: Search engine for current job postings in your area.
  6. BC Jobs.ca: Search engine for current job postings in your area.
  7. BC’s to Employers 2024: Search for best rated employers.

For support to ensure you have a GOOD application (with an excellent resume, cover letters, references and interview skills)  please see your Career Advisor at your school for help to get ready!